Raura Iida (飯田來麗) was the Performance Chairman for the 2013 Nendo. She was an original member and graduated in 2014 with Marina, Nene and Hinata.
April 9, 1998
♈ Aries
-Raura really likes pandas
-Raura was the first member to bob her hair, and one of the few to do it while active in the group.

Nene Sugisaki (杉﨑寧々) was the 1st Talk Chairman of Sakura Gakuin and a member of the sub-units Twinklestars, sleepiece, Pastel Wind and Minipati. She was part of the original lineup and graduated in 2014 with Raura, Marina and Hinata.
May 8, 1998
♉ Taurus
Ibaraki Prefecture
-Nene left the entertainment industry to become an nurse
-Her catchphrase is "Peace is the best; smiles are the best."
-Nene was the first member to have a catchphrase

Hinata Sato (佐藤日向) was the Mood Chairman for the 2013 Nendo. She was in the baton club and science club. She was an original member and graduated in 2014 with Marina, Nene and Raura.
December 23, 1998
♑ Capricorn
-She longed to be a catalog model for children's clothing brand after seeing Ayami Muto
-She currently the voice actress of Junna Hoshimi in Revue Starlight, Lea Kazou in Love Live ! Sunshine !! and Noa Fukushima in D4DJ.

Yui Mizuno (水野由結) was an original member of Sakura Gakuin and its sub-units Twinklestars and Babymetal since 2010 nendo. She became a member of the sub-unit Mini Pati in 2011 nendo. She officially transferred to the group in August 2010 before its debut. She became the Produce Chairman in 2014 nendo when she graduated from the group with Moa, Yunano and Hana.
June 20, 1999
♊ Gemini
She was a member of Babymetal until October 2018
-She holds the record for having grown the most of any member during her time in the group: 26cm (10¼”) between her debut in August 2010 and her graduation in 2015.
-there was a two-year period where Moa was taller than her

Moa Kikuchi (菊地最愛) was a member of Sakura Gakuin and it's sub-unit Babymetal since 2010. She was also a member of Mini Pati from 2011 and Twinklestars from 2010, both until her graduation in 2015. She was one of the two transfer students from 2010 nendo, who both debuted together with the other original members. She was also the fourth Student Council President until 2015. She graduated in 2015 with Yui, Yunano and Hana
July 4, 1999
♋ Cancer